Solco W. Tromp Foundation

Key Topics in Biometeorology 

Biometeorology has evolved significantly, expanding into various branches that address critical environmental and health-related challenges. Current endeavors in the field include: 

Human Health and Climate Change:  Research investigating the effects of changing climate patterns on human health, such as heat stress, respiratory diseases, and the spread of vector-borne diseases like malaria and dengue. 

Agricultural Biometeorology:  Studies focusing on how weather and climate influence crop growth, yield, and pest dynamics, helping to create sustainable agricultural practices. 

Urban Biometeorology:  Exploring how city environments and air pollution affect human comfort, energy use, and public health, with a focus on mitigating the effects of heatwaves and improving urban design. 

Animal Behavior and Migration:  Understanding how animals respond to weather conditions, such as the impact of climate on bird migration or the behavior of marine species.